The Beast
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Манхва в жанре фэнтезийного боевика, подготовка которой заняла 3 года, расскажет об участниках популярной Южно-Корейской группы B2ST, обнаруживших в себе новые супер способности и отправившихся в путешествие, дабы спасти мир и стать новыми супер героями.Ду Джун - футбольная звезда с невероятными атлетическими способностями; Хён Сын - танцор, обладающий силой телепортации и личностью "4D"; Чун Хён - тихий интроверт, умеющий читать мысли; Ё Соб создаёт иллюзии своим пением; Ки Кван обладает телекинезом, а Дон Ун - студент с идеальной фотографической памятью.Ки Кван и Чун Хён окажутся вовлеченными в любовный треугольник, влюбившись в одну девушку, а Ду Джун и Чун Хён будут сожителями и соперниками. Редактировать описание манги
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7 "Beauty and the Beast" Anime Couples That Will Change Your Perspective on Love
The two in a couple usually work as a equalization act for each other, with the "beauty" usually calming the impulses of the "beast." Of course, love comes in all shapes and sizes and faces and places, so we gather here to celebrate the strangest anime couples. In some alternative cases the "beast" is hardly what he or she seems to be and may be a victim of stereotypes. If they were solely given an opportunity, everybody would see their love is just beyond imagination. 7. Nanami/Tomoe (Kamisama Kiss) Tomoe may be a fox yokai, presently serving because the acquainted of Nanami. Her idealistic belief that humans and yokai will live and love along in peace may be a constant supply of competition between Nanami and Tomoe. It's uncertain that the pair's romantic attraction for each other would grow if he was a Tengu or a possessed pot.   6. Shuuji/Chise (SaiKano) The war is a scene for the story of Chise's relationship along with Shuuji. World Healt
Sep 02, 2017
Просмотры 964
7 Cute Beauty & The Beast Couples That Will Change Your Perspective on Love
One character is capable of immense, sometimes even supernatural strength while their partner is an example of grace and elegance.  The two work as a balancing act for one another, with the "beauty" often calming the impulses of the "beast." In other cases the "beast" is hardly what he or she appears to be and is a victim of stereotypes.  If they were only given a chance, everyone would see they aren't interested in beating kids up and taking their lunch money. 7. Nanami / Tomoe (Kamisama Kiss)  Nanami is a down-on-her-luck girl who, through a series of both fortunate and unfortunate circumstances, becomes the god of a shrine when the real deity bails. Homeless, Nanami decided to shack up there, only to find its resident yokai is none too pleased to see her.  Tomoe is a fox yokai, one of the few supernatural entities in Japanese lore that are actually attractive. It's doubtful that the pair's romantic attraction for one another would
Sep 02, 2017
Просмотры 651
Lilith Dark and the Beastie Tree
Begun as a webcomic and funded into print via Kickstarter, Charles Dowd’s “Lilith Dark and the Beastie Tree” is a labor of love, and it shows. The first six chapters, collected here, are cute, spirited and a little rough around the edges. They follow the adventures of Lilith Dark, a little girl whose overactive imagination comes in handy when it turns out that the beasties from her games are real. Though the story suffers from problems common to all-ages comics, there’s a catching zeal here that makes them forgivable. Lilith is a likeably stubborn heroine, with a wide, square face that Dowd deftly transforms from childish pouts to determined scowls. She’s a fun character to follow through the world, and her family dynamic will be familiar to any child who’s watched a cartoon. Her sister, Becky, is responsible and a little high-strung; her brother, Dewey, is a Harry Potter doppelganger who draws geeky monster designs in his notebook. However, the first third of the book feels like s
Sep 05, 2017
Просмотры 458
10 Beauty and the Beast Stories in Anime
It’s a tale as old as time~ Wait, no really it is! And it is not just a Disney tale either. The beauty and the beast themes have long been present in anime and indeed all media. Disney may own the title that this trope has taken on, but they don’t own the metaphor it represents. You know what they say, all men are beasts and they crave young flesh. Wait, maybe that’s the metaphor for vampires… Hm, I guess the obvious metaphor in the beauty and the beast romance anime trope is that even the ugliest, scariest monsters can have a little light on the inside and you shouldn’t judge them by how they look. Inuyasha Ah, it’s the same old story. Normal high school girl falls through a well and meets a demon pinned to a tree. However, he is not just any demon, he is a half-demon who is feared by humans and shunned by pure-blooded demons. It is this social neglect that has turned him into a real beast of a man, but throughout the series, you wa
Jan 16, 2018
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Constanza Zuñiga Valdivia77646
Constanza Zuñiga Valdivia77646
Aug 14, 2018
#THE-BEAST-MUST-DIEActualicen luego por favorrrrr
Aug 20, 2018
#The-Princess-and-The-Three-Beast-Himegimi-to-Sanbiki-no-KemonoLo ame! Recomendado!
Aug 17, 2018
#The-Princess-and-The-Three-Beast-Himegimi-to-Sanbiki-no-Kemonoke feliz xd
Jalon George
Jalon George
Feb 08, 2021
Join my discord at me beast
raven blossom
raven blossom
Jul 15, 2021
there so cute 💕💕💕 together raven and beast boy 💓💓💓