News Omiai Aite wa Oshiego, Tsuyoki na, Mondaiji. Anime's Video Previews Theme Song
Saki Hazuki performs "My one" theme song for anime premiering on TV, online on October 1

The official website for the anime adaptation of Sigma Torai's Omiai Aite wa Oshiego, Tsuyoki na, Mondaiji. (My Marriage Interview Partner is a Student, Strong, and a Problem Child.) adult romance manga began streaming a promotional video for the anime on Tuesday. The video reveals and previews the anime's theme song "My one" by Saki Hazuki.

(Note: Parts of the video may not be safe for work.)

The show will be a series of anime shorts that will air on television and stream online. The anime will premiere on Tokyo MX on October 1, and will also air on KBS Kyoto and AT-X. Comic Festa's Anime Zone site will stream the adult version (the same site has also streamed the adult versions of the Sōryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni... and Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita anime television anime series).

The shorts will feature two separate casts for the television broadcast and the "complete" version online. The cast members include:

Rina Honizumi (TV version) and Miu Aoi (complete version) as Nana Saigawa Yusuke Shirai (TV version) and Tetsuto Furukawa (complete version) as Shūji Kuga Tarusuke Shingaki (TV version) and Makoto Sakurai (complete version) as Sōichirō Takamiya

Saburou Miura (I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying storyboard and episode director) is serving as director and is also writing and overseeing the scripts at Seven. Binme is the character designer and chief animation director, and Goichi Katanozaka is the art director. Sakura Komatsu is the color designer, Kazuto Horikawa is the editor and director of photography, and Takahiro Enomoto is the sound director at Studio Mausu.

Seiunsha publishes the manga in print in Japan, and it published the second compiled volume on April 18. Comic Festa publishes the manga chapters digitally, and it published the 18th chapter on August 4. The age-gap love story centers on a problem child student named Shūji Kuga and the late-blooming teacher Nana Saigawa.

[Via Otasuke]

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